Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Environment

What in the Environment interests me?

A very good question. There are many problems in the environment today (pollution, deforestation, global warming), so it would seem simple to find things that would interest me. Growing up, however, I felt relatively unaffected by these as well as most environmental issues. Even though they were present, it was hard for me to seriously consider these issues because I felt they didn’t apply to me. Likewise, today it is equally hard for me to find things that bother me about the environment. However, I suppose there are a few things that I might find interesting (at least for the purposes of this blog).

Where I come from in California, we had fluoride added to our water to make the water healthier. I didn’t know that everyone else didn’t do the same, and I was surprised to find out that there was actually some debate. For researching purposes, I suppose I would turn this into topic into water processing, and what the government in different local areas put into and out of their water. I think that it would be interesting to see how different places in the US deal with water purification. It would also be interesting to see how different countries worldwide dealt with water problems, whether they lived next to large bodies of water or whether they were inland.

Another thing that I find interesting is the industrialization of the world. Back before the industrial revolution, there was much less pollution. It would be interesting to research how the earth’s atmosphere and recourses have been hurt or depleted, respectively. Of course, this would also be very hard to do because we don’t have data of that sort dating back to before the industrial revolution. However, it would be interesting to see how industrial pollution is affecting health and society today, and see how harsh this pollution is becoming.

Another thing that interests me is littering. Everyone has seen some degree of litter in their lifetime. It would be interesting to do some research to find out how many fines have been given out for littering, to see if they are able to enforce their laws. It would also be interesting to see what kinds of messages people like environmentalists are sending to try to prevent people from littering. Littering in the ocean would also be an interesting issue to research. Better yet, to see how oil emissions into the oceans effect the organisms that live their. Are there organisms that are being killed because of pollution in the oceans? That would be a good question if I were to research this topic.

I have also heard a lot about how glaciers are melting near the poles of the earth. From what I have heard, this is affecting the global climate because ice is better at insulating than water is. If I were to research this topic, it would be interesting to see how these melting glaciers were going to effect humans and the rate at which this effect would occur. I don’t think that I would research this topic because it seems pretty boring to me, but at least it is an idea.

Well, from these topics, I’m not sure what I will do my research on. Most likely I will do it on something completely different. I realize that the environment it important, but its hard to choose something when it is hard to see its effects. Maybe I should do some research to find out what I’d like to do. Fin.